California here we come!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Noah pictures

Baby Noah Nathanael Cummings was born this week. 7 lbs, 13 oz, 19.5 inches. He's a cutie, and Eva is totally adorable with him. For a few more pictures, go here.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Noah Nathanael Cummings

A fun little picture of the little one sucking his thumb. Though Shaughan's getting to the point where she's ready to be done with the pregnancy, we have to wait another three months before welcoming our little boy. Eva's so excited. She can't stop talking about baby Noah.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dormant no more

So, to all of you who have been breathlessly waiting for blog updates for the last approximately 18 months---- you can breathe easy now. Shaughan has been let loose on our blog and is beginning to figure it out. Now that no one has to depend on me to post, I am sure updates will happen more frequently. But at what cost?

I have this hidden (but I guess it's not so hidden anymore) fear that Shaughan will become a blog addict, that each detail of our personal lives will be laid bare for the world to see, and she'll stay up until all hours of the night telling people about Eva's boogers. It's probably an irrational and unjustified fear, but that doesn't make it any less real. Thanks for your support and understanding during these next few months while Shaughan transitions into being a full-time mommy blogger.

Flower Girl

It's Shaughanie. We're back from the dead. I actually never knew how to blog...sad. But I am in DC visiting my sis, Jocelyn. And she is teaching me how to blog. Yes! Jocelyn married Zack Parks on Oct. 18. And Eva, as the only niece in either of their families, earned the grand distinction of being the flower girl. Here are some pics. Enjoy!
This is the rehearsal dinner. Really, it was just a huge pool party with In-N-Out food. After all, what was there to rehearse?
We "rehearsed" chasing Ev. But how is that different from any other day? My ever-helpful Michael kept track of our little bunny, which gave me time to meet Zack's fantastic family.
Daddy and the bunny hand-in-hand. We have so many pictures of her back because she's always on the move and knows exactly where she wants to go.
The mama with beauty baby Eva.
Family picture taken outside the Los Angeles temple. Look at what a great time Eva is having--even though she bruised her head. (The initial injury happened a few days before the wedding. We bought arnica cream to help the bruise go away quickly. It worked...but then she injured the same spot by falling on her noggin just before Joce and Zack exited the temple.)
Our gorgeous nephew, Cooper Campbell. He was my date at the wedding reception. We have a mutual crush. Michael was at the reception of course, but Cooper staked his claim. And really, who am I to complain?

This pic captures my favorite memory of the evening. Ev was only 15 months old, but shocked us by dancing the night away for four hours. She even joined Jocelyn and Zack during their first dance. Needless to say, it was a very romantic moment for the three of them! Whenever we tried to pick her up, she vehemently declined. She preferred to stay in the lights and flirt with the DJ's 13-year-old son. Where did this kid come from?

Stay tuned...more blogs to come. Jocelyn vows this will be the case even if she has to babysit my blogging efforts.