California here we come!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dormant no more

So, to all of you who have been breathlessly waiting for blog updates for the last approximately 18 months---- you can breathe easy now. Shaughan has been let loose on our blog and is beginning to figure it out. Now that no one has to depend on me to post, I am sure updates will happen more frequently. But at what cost?

I have this hidden (but I guess it's not so hidden anymore) fear that Shaughan will become a blog addict, that each detail of our personal lives will be laid bare for the world to see, and she'll stay up until all hours of the night telling people about Eva's boogers. It's probably an irrational and unjustified fear, but that doesn't make it any less real. Thanks for your support and understanding during these next few months while Shaughan transitions into being a full-time mommy blogger.

1 comment:

Kierst said...

Hopefully you retained the ability to edit so if you do think she's out of control you can edit- Seth does not have that right on ours....maybe he should though?