The concept for these photos was kids dressing up in daddy's clothes. The photos turned out really fun! Michael loved them!
At church, Eva sang "Daddy's Homecoming" in sacrament meeting with our ward's one primary boy and five nursery kids. It was her first actual performance ever. She did great; she sang the whole song and performed all of the hand motions too. Her kiss at the end tailed everyone else's by just long enough to ensure that all eyes were on her. It was unintentional on her part, but seemed fitting that she would want show her flair for the dramatic. The entertainment was Eva's present to Michael!
so cute! i love the ties, so well done shaughanie.
Super cute pictures Shaughanie! I've missed being all caught up on your family fun, I hope you're all doing well!
I love these pictures! Wish we could have witnessed Eva's kiss in church... What sweet kiddos you have. Thanks for chatting tonight!
Awesome! I'm glad you figured out how to change your background! I figured out where to find the old templates. Thanks for taking our pictures last night.
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